Working Professional Certificate Program


Increase your expertise and credibility.

We know you've got a lot on your plate, 所以澳门十大赌城官方网站创建了这个在线课程,帮助你以自己的速度爬上梯子.

Designed for working adults, 该证书课程适用于具有副学士学位或同等学分和相关工作经验的人.

Frostburg State University offers 八、网上证书:

  • 危机领导
  • 多样性的领导
  • Human Resources and Telework Management
  • 生产领导
  • 非营利组织的领导
  • 零售管理
  • 小型企业管理
  • 社会企业家精神


Working Professional Certificates Highlights

  • Great way to boost your resume.

  • 现在就拿个证书,或者将来把你的课程应用到本科学位上.

  • AACSB-accredited online program

  • 为期一年的兼职学习——大约12到18个学分(4到6门课).

  • 课程是完全在线的,有工作的成年人可以访问的时间表.

What can I do with an working professional certificate?







这些证书所需的课程、时间和学费大约是硕士学位的一半. 医疗保健管理和管理证书可以在短短两个学期完成, 而商业分析证书可以在3个学期内完成.


FSU知道不同的学生会根据个人和专业需求以不同的速度进步, 所以不用担心. 这个程序可以在你的时间表和你的节奏工作.


  • Certificate in 危机领导 (12-18 credits)

    在这个时候,企业, 非营利组织和政府机构继续应对供应链物流的重大中断, 启动和维护远程和远程工作员工的过渡和挑战, 消费者习惯和需求的变化,以及新冠肺炎大流行期间“一切照旧”的普遍变革,使许多组织在应对美国每个商业实体面临的不可预见的困境方面措手不及.S. Organizations also face non-pandemic threats, 比如数据泄露, 与网络相关的赎金, corporate asset theft (financial and intellectual), 自然灾害, 员工的不当行为, 和诉讼. In this course you will learn about:

    • 如何识别和规划对各种威胁的初步反应,使组织的自由裁量权降到最低
    • 识别潜在的组织威胁和弱点(SWOT分析)
    • Recognizing actual threats in real time
    • Communicating crisis to internal stakeholders
    • Communicating crisis to external stakeholders
    • 建立一个由适当的威胁特定成员组成的响应团队
    • How to cope with supply-chain disruptions
    • How to adapt an existing business model to the new normal


    MGMT 356 领导 and Human Behavior (Prerequisite: 42学分
    CMST 425 Public Relations Strategies (Prerequisite: CMST 102/112 or CMST 112 or permission of instructor)
    MGMT 410 Managing Change During Crisis (Prerequisite: 管理251)
    MGMT 391 Management Seminar (Prerequisite: 没有一个)

  • Certificate in 多样性的领导 (12-15 credits)

    与美国.S. 见证了几十年来最重要的社会变革呼吁, 各行各业的公司都意识到需要更具包容性的工作环境和产品——从改变产品名称和标识,到提供内部多元化培训,以提高社会意识. 公司也意识到需要在各个层次的员工队伍中平衡不同的人才. In this program you’ll learn about:

    • 促进员工之间和就业各方面的了解,为所有人创造更好的工作环境
    • Properly manage and lead diverse working teams
    • Understanding differences amount the U.S. 劳动力
    • 处理和应对由于员工的多样性而可能出现的工作场所问题
    • Becoming receptive to diverse nature of clientele
    • Aiding in the creation of diversity, 工作场所的公平和包容培训政策


    MGMT 356 领导 and Human Behavior (Prerequisite: 42学分
    MGMT 405商业道德和社会责任(前提条件: 42学分
    SOCI 366 Social Inequality (Prerequisite: SOCI 100或SOCI 111)
    MGMT 391管理研讨会(多元化领导)(前提条件: 没有一个)

  • 人力资源与远程办公管理证书(12学分)

    各种规模的公司对人力资源的需求都在不断增长. The increasing complexities of legal regulations, 许可要求, healthcare and benefits administration, employee disciplinary procedures, payroll and retirement benefits oversight, 等. is placing a burden on employers like not seen before. In this program you'll learn about:

    • Roles and functions of human resources professions
    • Recruitment and retention of human 劳动力 talent
    • Establishing and enforcing employee personnel polices
    • Legal and regulatory overview of employment laws
    • Employee benefits overviews
    • Managing remote telework employees


    MGMT 356 领导 and Human Behavior (Prerequisite: 42学分
    管理357 Human Resources Management (a grade of C or better in 管理251)
    MGMT 452 工作人员ing and Development (Prerequisite: 管理357)
    MGMT 391 Management Seminar (Remote Workforce & 远程办公)(先决条件: 没有一个)

  • Certificate in 生产领导 (12 - 18 credits)

    平衡员工监督的压力和制造工厂的后勤需求. 定义和实施适用于以下角色的适当制造技术:

    • 设施经理
    • 业务经理
    • 线主管
    • 转变监管
    • Other management and technical roles


    MGMT 355 Operations Management (Prerequisite: 数学109,管理251)
    MGMT 356 领导 and Human Behavior (Prerequisite: 42学分)
    MGMT 359 Quality Management (Prerequisite: 数学109,管理251)
    MGMT 391管理研讨会-制造业领导证书

  • Certificate in 非营利组织的领导 ( 12-15 credits)

    非营利组织是美国第三大就业部门. 注重管理, 领导和人力资源技能独特的非营利组织的成功运作. 学习:

    • 增加收入,
    • Budget financial resources,
    • Procure goods and services,
    • 定义、培训和实施适当的管理技术;
    • Manage projects and benchmarking tools,
    • Recruit and retain volunteers and
    • 了解董事会/受托人的角色和职能.


    MGMT 356 领导 and Human Behavior (Prerequisite: 42学分)
    管理357 Human Resources Management (Prerequisite: 管理251)
    MGMT 405商业道德和社会责任(前提条件: 42学分)
    MGMT 391 Management Seminar – Non-Profit

  • Certificate in 零售管理 (12 credits)

    The largest employment sector in the United States, retail has many opportunities to advance your career. 注重管理, 领导力和人力资源技能对零售商店(实体店或电子商务)的成功运营至关重要。. 学习:

    • 增加收入,
    • Budget financial resources,
    • Procure goods and services,
    • Manage projects and benchmarking tools and
    • 招聘和保留员工.


    MGMT 356 领导 and Human Behavior (Prerequisite: 42学分)
    管理357 Human Resources Management (Prerequisite: 管理251)
    MGMT 405商业道德和社会责任(前提条件: 42学分)
    MGMT 391 Management Seminar - Retail

  • Certificate in 小型企业管理 (12-15 credits)

    Of all the companies in the United States, 99.9% are small businesses, and 47.3% of all private sector jobs are in a small business. That means business owners have many hats to wear. 学习:

    • 预算和利用资源,营运资金和库存
    • Manage projects and benchmarking tools.


    管理315 New Business Ventures (Prerequisite: 42学分)
    MGMT 356 领导 and Human Behavior (Prerequisite: 42学分)
    MGMT 425 Entrepreneurial Business Plan (Prerequisite: 管理315)
    MGMT 391 Management Seminar – Small Business

  • Certificate in 社会企业家精神 (12 credits)

    专业人士和消费者比以往任何时候都更加意识到自己的商业足迹. 据福布斯报道, “今天的年轻人既关心赚钱,也关心对世界产生积极影响. 高达94%的人希望利用他们的技能为一项事业造福. 与此同时, 只有一半的美国人对自由市场体系有信心, down from 80% just 15 years ago.“企业在满足共同利益的同时经营更有可能吸引更年轻的消费者群体, and thus more likely to succeed and grow. In this program you will learn about:

    • Leading social change within an existing organization
    • Putting social ideas into a new business plan
    • 建立一个商业模式,推动积极的社区变革
    • Achieving balance between mission and financial growth
    • Scaling social mission to company size
    • Stabilizing community through economic development
    • 战略营销,以发展业务和分享社会信息


    管理315 New Business Adventures (Prerequisite: 42学分)
    MGMT 400 社会企业家精神 (Prerequisite: 管理315)
    MGMT 405商业道德和社会责任(前提条件: 42学分)
    MGMT 391 Management Seminar (Prerequisite: 没有一个)

Course Descriptions in Undergraduate Catalog

Working Professional Certificates 入学 Requirements



Have an Associate's degree or equivalent credit.

Be employed in a relevant work setting.

在整个课程中,注册学生将被视为非学位学生, 但可以在完成后将获得的学分申请到本科学位.

把你的正式成绩单寄到澳门赌城官方网站招生办公室, 布洛克道101号, Frostburg, MD 21532,并提交简历或包含相关工作经验的自我陈述至

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